Around the Clock Dental Care: How Emergency Dental Services Ensure Timely Treatment

A dental emergency can happen at any time, and when it does, you need to know what to do to get help quickly. This is especially important if you have a problem like severe tooth pain or a lost dental crown after standard business hours or on the weekend. This is where a 24-hour dentist comes in. A 24-hour dentist works at a special emergency dental clinic or just might be an on-call dentist that is available at any time of the day or night to assist with your urgent oral health needs.

Emergency dentists are specially trained to treat a variety of issues that can occur in the mouth and teeth. Some common examples of dental emergencies include injuries to the mouth or gums, objects stuck between the teeth, or broken dental appliances such as dentures or dental crowns. Other emergencies may be related to a toothache that is not relieved by over-the-counter medications, or even more serious dental problems such as a jaw fracture or a dislodged or cracked tooth.

An emergency dentist can assess your condition and provide prompt treatment to alleviate your pain, minimize damage, and restore normal function. Some common emergency treatments that dentists can perform are root canal treatment for a damaged tooth, tooth fillings to repair decay, and dental bridges or crowns to replace missing teeth. Emergency dentists can also drain an abscess or infection, and prescribe antibiotics to help treat the underlying cause of your dental pain or injury.

Fortunately, emergency dentistry is becoming more and more common as people realize how crucial it can be to their overall health. Many dental schools have a dedicated after-hours emergency room where students and residents can learn how to respond to a dental emergency on a real patient. In fact, when UConn John Dempsey Hospital moved to a new location in May, it included a patient room specifically designated for dental emergencies.

The new emergency room is equipped with a dental chair instead of a stretcher, and a resident will be on hand from 6 to 10 p.m. to treat any patients who need assistance with their oral health.

To find a emergency dentist in Northbrook near you who can treat your dental emergency, use our free service at EmergencyDentistsUSA. We’ll connect you directly with a nearby emergency dentist and provide you with valuable tips to help prevent future dental emergencies. For additional assistance, visit